Dispensadores de cinta is Spanish for a ribbon dispenser. A ribbon dispenser is one of the ideal products that Legro bv creates and sells. It is made to hold colorful party ribbons that are made to decorate your present. The ribbon dispenser, or dispensadores de cinta, makes it possible to easily pull the ribbon to a appropriate length, before you cut it. This system makes it easier to go through this process of making the perfect ribbon for your present. That way you can do it better and faster!

Ideal for a shop
This ideal ribbon dispenser is created to work well in stores that let people pack their presents right away. A ribbon dispenser makes it possible for two people to work on their present at the same time. This efficiency factor, makes it possible for people to pack theri present, even when it is really busy in the store. The ribbon dispenser is strong and easy to use, so that the packing time per person is an short and efficiently used as possible.
The ribbons dispensers are also usable for the store themselves, for packing their own packages. When will you buy your first dispensadores de cinta?